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The Benefits of Pollinator Gardens

Pollinator gardens can provide many benefits to your home, your ecosystem, and your community.

Pretty Garden

Pollinator gardens make your home look beautiful.


Whether you have several acres in your yard or just a balcony or windowsill, any space can make a big difference and become a beautiful addition to your home. Choose pollinator favorite plants, herbs and vegetables, or even mix in some of your favorite flowers. The majority of flowers in a pollinator garden should be specifically chosen because they support pollinators, but there are many beautiful options to choose from that are native to your area. Learn more here.

Image by Peter Fleming
Help Pollinator Populations

Pollinator gardens can provide food and shelter for pollinators.


Pollinator gardens support and maintain pollinators by supplying food in the form of pollen and nectar. Currently, pollinator populations worldwide are in decline due to loss of native habitat, increases in non-native plants, as well as other factors. To learn more, click here. Planting native plants in your pollinator garden will help to replace lost native habitat that pollinators need to survive. In addition, features of your pollinator garden can provide shelter and nesting habitat for social and solitary bees. To learn more about creating a bee hotel, click here.

Image by Vincent van Zalinge


Help Your Local Ecosystem

Pollinator gardens can provide other benefits to your local ecosystem.


Pollinator gardens not only benefit pollinators, but they also provide great habitat and food sources for many other living things in your local ecosystem. The bumble bee and other pollinators are considered keystone species because they are species upon which others depend. Hummingbirds and other birds are also considered pollinators for some plants, and will also benefit from a pollinator garden. Creating pollinator habitat will ensure that these important insects stay in the area to keep pollinating our crops for continued fruit and vegetable production. Flowers produce fruits that are eaten by birds, bears, and many other animals, including humans. Additional native plants can increase microorganisms, improve soil quality, and nutrient cycling. 


Community Benefits 

Pollinator gardens beautify your neighborhood and provide more ecosystem services.


Pollinator gardens can add beauty to your home and your local area. Plants on your balcony or windowsill can beautify your neighborhood. If you live in a more urban area, consider joining a local community garden to create a larger pollinator garden and further spread the natural beauty in your community.

In addition, while pollinator gardens support healthier pollinator populations, this will in turn provide greater benefits to ecosystem services in your community and beyond. More pollinators means more flowers, vegetables and fruits grown for local farmers and gardeners, and hopefully for you too.

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